Newland FM3056 Grouper 2D CMOS Fixed Mounted Reader for Kiosk Integration
A plug-and-play simplicity enhances your experience right from the start.
Built to read from contemporary LCD widescreen devices, the fixed scanner is ideal for mobile phone applications like loyalty programs and ticket validation. Whether it’s an employee scanning a product label or a customer scanning a voucher on their mobile phone, barcode scanning is always easy and quick.
Superior decoding performance.
Your employees can scan virtually any barcode, including 1D and 2D, at an extraordinary speed.
Effortless scanning from mobile phone screen.
Built to read from an LCD screen, the FM3056 Grouper can easily read barcodes from any mobile device screen. An extended capability of IR reading allows the device to detect barcodes under virtually any ambient light. Whether you operate at daytime or nighttime, scanning is quick and efficient.
Easily mounted in small spaces.
The FM3056 Grouper is designed for businesses that require high performance and a minimal footprint. With its small size, the device is ideal for kiosk integration and other POS solutions.
Easy to install.
The FM3056 Grouper can be set up quickly and easily. A plug-and-play simplicity enhances your experience right from the start. The device can be further configured according to your needs by using a simple barcode programming guide.
Application scenarios.
POS Solutions, kiosk integration, scanning from a mobile phone screen, such as for loyalty programs or ticket validation.